Monday, June 16, 2008


So all of us find tolls pretty annoying anywhere in the US. Will all the new electronic passes and stuff they are not such a pain...Costa Rica has tolls in the area around the capital city, San Jose. So we were driving on the highway yesterday and we came up to a toll. The toll cost 75 colones (about 15 cents). We didn't have any change at all so we drove up to the toll and offered the attendant a 1,000 colones bill - the equivalent of $2.

And she said to us, "Oh, I'm the only attendant that cannot provide change. You will have to go in another lane." And we said, "Okay, but how do you expect us to do that." She says, "Just back up and go in another lane." ???!!!???? This is not a toll booth with two lanes in the middle of nowhere, there were cars behind us and cars zooming up to every single lane. Tyler said, "That's too dangerous, I can't back up here." Her only answer was, "If you don't pay it, we will take a picture of your license plate."

So we pull up off to the side of the highway just past the toll booth. I jump out and run to the closest booth to pay directly (having to cross a lane of traffic on a highway, how safe.) So I walk up to the toll booth, putting my hand out to stop the cars that would be happy to run me over and the lady (a different lady) says, "You can't walk up here. You have to drive in you car." Well, obviously. So I respond, "The other lady won't take our money and we can't turn around because it's too dangerous." She rolls her eyes as if I am terribly annoying for wanting to pay a toll and not wanting to back up at a toll booth on a highway. She gives me the change, I run back and hop in the car.

All accidents followed...I guess it all turned out okay.

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