Monday, September 15, 2008

I got a job.

If I have to make that a title of a blog post for every place we move I might go crazy.

Anyway, if you've been reading the blog, you know that I was doing consulting in Kosovo this summer. At the same time I was applying for, interviewing for, and negotiating for a job with the Embassy here in Costa Rica.

The process was long and arduous, but it finally worked out and I started a job two weeks ago. I work four days a week (less than I wanted) and I am working in the Economic section. This means that I am keeping an eye on the economic situation here. Some particular areas I'll be working on are: training for Costa Rican business and government having to do with trade, real estate, tourism, aviation (airlines/airports), corporate social responsibility, and little bit with the transportation sector.

The job will be very different for me and a good challenge. I work with two other people in the Economic section but, obviously, with a lot of other people at the Embassy in general.

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